
世足 夏天 會飛的蝦子 南灣湖 生田斗真 

喜鵲 喜鵲, 橿鳥 Jay 和烏鴉其實是親戚可是待遇確差很多 在美國的鄉間小路和山裏常可見到長長的尾巴藍黑的翅膀從路的這頭飛到那頭或是跳呀跳地覓食Kyack Kyack 叫著亞洲, 澳洲和歐洲也都有喜鵲 分類: Kingdom: Animalia 動物界 Phylum: Chordata 脊索動物門 Class: Aves 鳥綱 Order: Passeriformes 雀形目 Family: Corvidae 鴉科 他們在春天時成群結隊有一首兒歌描寫喜鵲的 [聚會]看見五或六隻喜鵲會發財耶 One for sorrow, two for mirth,Three for a wedding, four for a birth,Five for silver, six for gold,Seven for a secret not to be told.Eight for heaven, nine for hell,And ten for the devil's own sel'.================================================= MAGPIES IN PICARDY by T.P. Cameron Wilson The magpies in Picardy Are more than I can tell.They flicker down the dusty roadsAnd cast a magic spellOn the men who march through Picardy ,Through Picardy to hell.(The blackbird flies with panic,The swallow goes with light,The finches move like ladies,the owl floats by at night;But the great and flashing magpieHe flies as artists might.)A magpie in PicardyTold me secret things--Of the music in white feathers,And the sunlight that singsAnd dances in deep shadows--He told me with his wings.(The hawk is cruel and rigid,He watches from a height;The rook is slow and sombre,The robin loves to fight;But the great and flashing magpieHe flies as lovers might.)He told me that in Picardy ,An age ago or more,While all his feathers still were eggs,These dusty highways boreBrown, singing soldiers marching outThrough Picardy to war.He said that still through chaosWorks on the ancient plan,And two things have altered notSince first the world began--The beauty of the wild green earthAnd the bravery of man.(For the sparrow flies unthinkingAnd quarrels in his flight;The heron trails his legs behind,The lark goes out of sight;But the great and flashing magpieHe flies as poets might.)



    創作者 許培倫 的頭像

    pixar blythe

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